Thursday, April 22, 2010

dem map

This map shows elevations in 3D

range graded proportional circle map

This map is when the size of the circle goes with the size of the population, so the bigger the circle, the higher pop.


A digital orthophoto quadrangle (DOQ) is a computer-generated image of an aerial photograph in which image displacement caused by terrain relief and camera tilts has been removed. It combines the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map.


this map is a line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure. Canbe useful in determining high and low pressure which form storms and storm tracking

Friday, April 9, 2010


These maps use lines to show rainfall. You can see by the colors and numbers the amount of fall each year. This is very good in keeping record of the rain fall per season.

These maps are scanned topographical maps, and include the same detail as the topographic map.

Cartographic Animation

This map is a frozen picture of an animation that shows a movement in the information it is trying to depict. Another good esample is the weather forecast, when you see the storms moving in.

Statistical maps

These maps are numerical data. It groups it into sections based on that. This map is on the local authority in the UK.

Monday, April 5, 2010


This map generalizes and simplifies data. This one for example shows how much diesel being released is leading to cancer effects in california.


This is an areal map, that is used a lot for looking for things such as oil and underground structural analysis.


This map shows the upper atmosphere and thee jet streams. It is a wind map.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

classed choropleth map

This map uses smaller intervals to portray the data. There is a scale and is usually broken into color differnces to match the area on the scale.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

A bivariate map displays two variables on a single map by combining two different sets of graphic colors. This shows two different information at the same time. This isa gif animation that shows the two.

Univariate Choropleth Map


standardized choropleth maps

Unstandarizied Choropleth

This map shows hazaderous waste. Unstandarizied Choropleth maps are maps where the data has not been averaged. The data is presented in numerical values.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

THese are digital line graphs that show boundaries, roads, and other various information found on topographical maps.


LIDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. This type of remote sensing employs the use of laser light to help gather images. It stands for Light Detection and Ranging. This type of remote sensing employs the use of laser light to help gather images.

Nominal Area Choropleth Maps

This type of data is quantitative and random and broken into different colors . The different colors represent variations in data. Most will havea key onthe side to see where the colors fall.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bilateral graph

By using two colors and comparing right next to each other you can really tell the difference in this graph.

Lorenz curve

This graph is used to display probility distribution. This one shows the total population compared with the total income.

index value plot

This kind of plot is where a value is actually plotted and not numbered.

Popluation profile

this compares the total population with a specific date, for example, in this graph, it is what age the population is.

Triangular plot

THis shows data in different colors and by putting them all in one space it is easy to compare.

Parallel coordinate graph

This graph displays multiple data on one graph. You can distinguish them by the color.


These show frequence on a specific topic by labeling what and how much. And then using lines and colors to distinguish.

box plot

these maps show the range of the data. You can see this by the extension of the box.

stem and leaf plot

This map is used to show different numerical data.

similarity matrix

These types of maps show how similar things are. The levels of similarity are show by boxes and colors. Red-the most, Blue-the least.

Coorelation matrix

These maps compare how well two things correlate.

Star Plot

Star plots allow you to compare different types of data for various experiments or designs. This shows a lot in the by using masses.

Mental Map

This map shows areas that zone into places that you have to go into your visable past to recall.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Isoline map

These maps show different temperatures by connecting the colors (or lines) together.

Dot Distribution Map

I liked this map because it is easy to see the population density with the dots, because of the color contrast.

Cadastral Map

This map shows the real property lines and bounds.

Thematic Map

This map shows population density by using different colors. Can be a good source of information but sometimes can be very vague.

Planimetric Map

The difference between this and a topographic map is that there are no vertical elevations of any kind on a planimetric map.

This map is used to determine the temperature and inches of percipitation in this location in Colorado. I find it useful for when determining the best time to visit places.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hypsometric maps

These maps show elevation with bands of color and a key to let you know the elevation. I like this map because it is very detailed!

Proportional Circle maps

This map lays out how many housing per community area. By laying out the circles in the different areas in different sizes with a key on the side, you are able to tell the amount.

Infrared aerial photo

This image can be very useful because it shows temperature which can determine depth and height.

soil map

I found this map interesting because it shows where the different types of soil is located.


This is especially useful to boaters and air services because they determine the wind direction and speed.

choropleth map

These maps usually are divided by colors and charts on popluation ratio or based on low income, and shaded that way.

Doppler Radar

The doppler radar map, I feel, is especially important. I know this because living in South Florida we encounter a lot of storms, and this is an accurate way to try to prepare ahead of time. This is also used a lot in the midwest, and all over the country.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Scatter Plot

This scatter plot shows waiting time between eruption and duration of eruption.

Flow Map

This map was used in French wine exports. I feel it shows clear defination of the map, and the "flow' of distribution.

Propaganda Map

This map is a propaganda map and was used by the Germans to produce fear. I feel this is a good propaganda map because it is being used to portray what they want to portray!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Topographic Map

A Topographic Map is basically a large-scale map showing relief and man-made features of a portion of a land surface distinguished by portrayal of position, relation, size, shape, and elevation of the features.
In this map you can see all indents, which indicate elevation in not only the land but also in the water.